MazeGenerator is using for creating custom 3D maze. You can use custom wall, floor and ceiling textures to create your custom 3D maze. Maze is using backtrack algorithm.
Main functions of MazeGenerator :
1. Delete maze
2. Create maze new width and height
3. Set new prefab for wall, ground, ceiling, start and end walls
4. Get all cell centers (cell center positions in array of Vector3)
5. Function for get position of walls(positions in array of Vector3)
6. Function for set tunnel width
Walls is consisting from cubes 1x1x1 size(y component is variable),this mechanism of using walls allows you to use the maze in games like minecraft.
More information in documentation!
Check another MazeGenerators with more functions:
Full: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/environments/amazing-maze-generator-142633
Pro: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/environments/amazing-maze-generator-pro-155157
2D: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/templates/systems/amazing-maze-creator-2d-143363