MazeGenerator is using for creating custom 3D maze. You can use custom wall, floor and ceiling textures to create your custom 3D maze. Maze is using backtrack algorithm.
Main functions of MazeGenerator :
1. Delete maze
2. Create maze new width and height
3. Set new prefab for wall, ground, ceiling, start and end walls
4. Get all impasses (cell center positions in array of Vector3)
5. Get all crossroads (cell center positions in array of Vector3)
6. Get all cell centers (cell center positions in array of Vector3)
7. Get way from start to end (cell center positions in array of Vector3)
8. Get gameObject of the start and end wall
9. Create maze with seed(to create same mazes)
10. Verify the position on the wall
11. Function to create rooms with width and height(*in cells)
12. Function for get position of walls(positions in array of Vector3)
13. Function for set tunnel width
14. Set prefabs for corner wall, tee wall, cross wall, impasse wall
15. Get way from Point1(Vector3) to Point2(Vector3) (cell center positions in array of Vector3)
16. Get room entrance for doors or something
17. Get positions at walls in each cell to spawn some stuff
18. Get positions at walls to spawn some stuff
19. Full source code for MazeSkeleton class
20. In editor maze creating – you can create mazes in editor and save them as prefab
Walls is consisting from cubes 1x1x1 size(y component is variable),this mechanism of using walls allows you to use the maze in games like minecraft.
More information in documentation!