A 3D targeting system that can detect points of interest using the game camera with off screen targeting.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On Sale! (limited time)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------This asset is currently 50% off until March 5 where the price will rise back to $9.99--------------------------------------------------------------------------------WHAT IS POINT DETECTION 3D?Point Detection 3D is a targeting system that enables the game camera to detect target points within the 3D world even when the targets are off-screen, known as off-screen targeting. It can also be used for pinning objective locations for your player to follow.Demo & Documentation | Discord | Publisher PageGET IN A BUNDLEThis asset is part of the Mega Tools Collection. Get 5 different assets while saving money.USESThis technique is wildly used in detecting grapple points, nearby points of interest, guiding the player to a certain location, checkpoints, objective locations and even auto-aiming for shooter/adventure games. This system supports manual targeting as well as auto detection.RENDERING PIPELINESThis asset supports all rendering pipelines (built-in, URP & HDRP)FEATURESThe system allows you to edit the detection range, disable camera auto detection and instead target any object of your choice manually, change the targeting image (cross hair), check and print the distance and more...CUSTOMIZABILITYHighly customizable in styling and in gameplay. You can set the targeting sprite to anything you wish. You can also give the sprite an animation clip of your choice. Giving the targeting image a little but of life. The package already comes with 4 different animations for the sprite.ASSET PACKAGEThe package comes with demos for built-in & URP with 3 demos for each pipeline, a documentation and commented source code.Leave us your feedback and tell us what you think. We always appreciate it.For support, questions or bug reports. Contact me by email or Discord.Best of luck!