Realistic cigarette smoke particle system. Once parented to a transform, such as the end of the cigarette asset provided, for example, the smoke will behave in a realistic manner, trailing and dissipating upwards the same as real cigarette smoke, no matter the angle of the parent (during runtime).
Although concepted as cigarette smoke, a developer could use it for any number of other similar situations that require thin trails of smoke, such as incense burning, cigars or pipes, or other such lightly smouldering materials.
Compatible with all three render pipelines, the developer need only assign the appropriate materials from the materials folder in accordance with each pipeline profile. Poly count stats for cigarette model: 142 verts, 300 edges, 160 faces, and 280 tris. All textures are 512 x 512 resolution. Particle system has been optimised as much as possible for performance.