New feature implemented: Change replay speed(0.5x, 2x), and Loop play setting.
UIRecorder is an asset tool designed for recording & replaying UI input events during in a game or in an application. Only records the Unity UI elements. (UGUI/NGUI)
It records all user’s movements such as clicking on a button, moving a scrollbar, typing text, and etc.
Also, you can easily save & load the recorded file.
The asset is very useful when you need to run the unit test for UI, and recording the UI events.
Programming skills not necessarily required.
- Records UI events. (Click button, radio button, and check box, moving scroll bar & drop down, typing text, and etc)
- Quick and easy setup / integration into existing games or applications.
- Change replay speed (0.5x. 2x) and Set up a loop playing.
- Intuitive UI: easy way to manage recording, replaying, saving, and loading.
- Simply, register and call function for Record() / Replay() / Stop() / Save() / Load().
- Supporting both UGUI / NGUI.
- Supporting Android, IOS, Standalone.
- Containing sample scene for users.
- Supported Unity versions : 5.6.3p1, 2017.4.34f1, 2018.4.13f1, 2019.2.14f1
Feel free to contact us at gaider@aju.co.kr for any inquires.