3D Icons Pack - Low Poly
Volume 1
The Package contains set of 50+ low poly, Mobile Ready stylized props / 3D icons, with baked-in ambient occlusion and hand painted beautiful textures.
It is ideal for any genre of games. the contents of the package can be used as both as props or as 3D icons.
Stylized Props
Desktop computer, Colors Pencils, Laptop, Cash Machines, Game Boy (can be used as both icon and a prop), picnic basket, mic, battery, hammer, megaphone and many more.
Stylized Icons
Camera, Youtube, fuel tank, crown, jewels, magnet, save, energy (power cell), classic ball bomb, Classic TNT bomb, lock and unlock, energy and many more.
Poly count range from 21 polys ( simplest Object ) to 247 polys ( most Complicated one ).
Texture Resolution is 2048.
FORMAT Fbx (Meshes), Png (Textures).
Meshes 50+Fbx
COLLISION Box Collider.
Package has been submitted using Unity 2017.2.0f3