This package is a complete Unity project which allow you to create an SMS conversation / choice based story on a Smartphone interface.
You will be able to do it fastly and without any coding knowledge !
Thanks to a simple tutorial, many examples, and a complete game Editor / Creator you will be able to understand fastly how to create the game you want and share it with your friends !
A picture is worth a thousand words, so don't forget to check the video and screeshots we made of this asset !
Different parts of this complete project :
- Complete Editor to create your choice based story without any knowledge
- Game ready scene with an Android/IOS template to simulate an SMS conversation
- Color Editor to change the color of the UI elements in the Editor scene thanks to an Unity Editor Extension
- 3 example projects to analyse how to create a project and to give you ideas
- a complete and illustrated pdf document to understand how to use this asset and to explain everything you need to know !
Feel free to use everything inside this asset, especialy C# scripts, to create your own Unity projects !