This pack contains lot of unique modular assets, well optimized and very low poly. You can build plenty of very different castles, exactly as you want them to be! You can create historical castle and fantasy fortress !
Every wall or roof textures can be changed by another. Every castle, fortress or stronghold is realisable! You can also settle siege, camp, add courtyard, villages, forest and countryside to get a complete medieval environment !
Here is the asset list:
The ramparts:
- 3 unique wall sections of 10m
- 3 unique wall sections of 4m
- 3 unique gates in a wall section of 10m
- 6 unique wall corners
- 3 unique wall sections with stairs
- 1 ruined wall section of 10m
- 2 unique ruined walls ( Right side and left side)
-1 medium gate
-1 main gate ( the mesh of the roof can be removed )
- 8 unique stair assets to create access to the rampart walk
The hoardings:
- 2 unique hoarding sections of 10m
- 3 unique hoarding sections of 4 m
- 2 unique hoarding corners
The towers:
Every tower asset is available in two different shapes: round and square. Sizes variations are small, medium and big.
- 2 (x 6) Unique tower bases
- 1 (x 6) tower section of 4m
- 1(x 6) tower section of 8m
- 1(x 6) tower section of 16m
- 5(x 6) unique tower tops / roofs
- 6 unique special towers ( no variations for these assets)
The buildings:
- 10 unique defensive buildings
- 3 unique residential buildings
- 2 unique residential buildings
- 2 unique residential building sides
Other assets:
- 8 unique rocks
- 6 unique windows
- 2 unique chimneys
- 2 unique bartizans
- 2 unique arrowslits
- 1 drawbridge
- 2 unique portcullis
- 5 unique doors
- 5 unique buttress
- 3 unique archs
Version 2.0 adds:
- 2 unique trebuchets
- 1 balista
- 1 siege tower
- 2 unique medieval canons
- 2 unique mantlets
- 4 unique swords
- 2 unique axes, 1 shield, 1 spear, 1 voulge, 1 halberd, 1 arrow & 1 hammer, 1 weapon rack
- 2 Wood walls (5m and 15m, with walk or not), 1 wood gate, 1 wood tower, 1 stairs and 1 wood stakes
- 5 unique tents (more with material variation)
- 6 unique banners (more with material variation and different poles)
- 4 unique braziers ( prefabs set with fire & particles )
- 3 unique barrels
- 5 fences
- 1 drinking through
- 1 hay cart ( empty cart prefab variation )
- 1 well ( more with material variation)
- 3 unique thatched houses ( 6 with prefabs material variation)
- 3 unique workshop houses (more with material variation)
- 2 unique barns
- 7 unique trees ( 2 types of trees), 1 grass mesh & 2 grass billboards
- 3 unique wall materials
- 2 unique roof materials ( one with 3 color variations)
- 6 terrain textures
Textures are 4K ( but are set in 2K )
Most of materials have albedo, normal and metallic/alpha gloss. Some of them also have occlusion. Some materials have no texture.
Most of assets used the same materials and draw calls are low !
Castles shown in screenshots and videos are included !
Every prefab has collider, with pivot point well placed; ready to use!
Every asset containing machicolation can be LODed ( or machicolation can be removed) in case of optimisation.
Please note:
- Pretty strong saturation has been used in screenshots and videos, but for versatily, colors of textures are not satured.
- Grass, birds, water, fog system and background cliffs are not included.