This plugin provides the ability to integrate a profile system into your project. Firebase is used as backend. You can easily register your users and manage their data. You can use both drag and drop solutions and user manager API only to extend your logic.
Check our another assets :
Social App Template. First social network template for Unity.
Easy Friends System. Easy friends solution for your project. Fully compatible with Easy Profile.
Here are the main features:
- Easy setup. Few clicks solution
- Registration/Login system with email/password
- Email verification
- Restore password
- Save user Credentials
- User profile (Set profile image from camera/gallery)
- Add/update full name, last name, first name, nickname, phone and other.
- Ability to add your custom user data
- Search user by name, nickname or phone number
- Event System. Subscribe to OnLoginComplete, OnRegistrationComplete, OnLogout, OnUserDataGettet and other. See API Documentation.
- Firebase backend
- Quality control of upload image
- Works on Android/IOS/Windows (Standalone)
- Full C# source code is included
- Fully С# documented
Setup Project
Setup Example Scenes
Setup Custom Scenes
Intergrate Custom Auth System
API Documentation
if you have any questions, please contact us assets@uni-bit.com
This asset uses SimpleFileBrowser under the MIT license and NativeCamera under the MIT license and NativeGallery under the MIT license; see ThirdPartyNotices.txt file in package for details.
- Work with Unity 2018.3.3 and higher
- Required Firebase SDK