This shader will make your models have a cel shading look, very useful for cartoonish or anime style!If you want to use URP, extract the URP shaders under the folder "RenderPipelines".If you are searching for an Anim/CelShading look, you actually found it!NEW URP SUPPORTCompatible with lights and environment shadows (Example on screenshots)With some different shaders:- Diffuse- Diffuse with Dissolve- DiffuseVC (Vertex Colors Outline)- Emissive- EmissiveVC (Vertex Colors Outline)- Fresnel- Fresnel with Dissolve- Glass- Transparent Cutout- Transparent Cutout with opacity guideCapability to personalize things like:- Tint- Shadows Color- Environment Shadows- Shadow Range- Shadow Sharpness- Shadow Intensity- Dont Use SpecularTexture (Bool)- SpecularBaseValue (If "DontUseSpecularTexture" is on)- Specular Range- Specular Intensity- NEW Point Lights Intensity- Dissolve mode- Dissolve Amount- Outline Color- Textured Outline- Outline Width- Outline Mode- NEW Outline Width Multiplier- Main Texture Lightness- Main Texture- Specular Texture- OutlineColor Texture- Emisive Color- Emisive Texture- Fresnel Color- Fresnel Exponent- Fresnel Bias- Glass Opacity- Glass Reflection Lines Opacity- Glass Reflection Lines Width- Glass Reflection Lines Distance- Glass Reflection Lines Distance- Glass Reflection Lines Scale MultiplierWith a PDF Documentation too!Enjoy!Models of screenshots not included