Just Drag&Drop a prefab to have instantly working all the Essential Vehicle Instruments.All the Essential Vehicle Instruments in High Fidelity and Ready to use!Layouts and Colors totally Customizable with Analogical and Digital Gauges. Includes a 3D Prefab in WorldCoordinates to displace instruments inside a 3D car model.Instruments data is Automatically calculated by the script using a reference to your vehicle's Transform or you can Manually set the values, just making use of the GUI itself and the LowPassFilter to smooth the reading.Includes:- Speed, TripMeter, Engine RPM, G-Force Meter, Temperature, and Fuel.- Current Gear, TurnSignals, Backpanel Lights, and Warning Lights.- Compass, Rearview Mirror, and MiniMap with zoom.- Accelerometer for visualizing G-Force.- DataConsole that displays information and small timed text messages for warnings.- DemoScene with many different layouts examples.This Asset also features:Realistic Sounds and Engine Pitch synchronized with RPM.Simple Mechanics for Engine Overheating and Fuel Consumption.PreFab Templates with various Layout Styles and Variations (Compact, Transparent, Analogical/Digital/Misc, Full GUI, Minimalistic GUI, Panel, 3D Template).Customizable Pointers, Colors, and BackLight Colors.Analogical Rolling Digits or Digital Display options for any variable, just enable/disable objects from the templates to your desired layout.Adjustable Off-Set and Scaling factor to each instrument value to enable unity conversion or tweaking display.Configurable LowPassFilter factor to adjust between smooth reading or instant values.Includes a mini Sound Manager and a Console Display that shows small timed messages.Also comes with a simple Camera movement script that emulates a Car for proper testing of the instruments.- PDF Documentation with a detailed description of the Asset's structure and Script.Full Source Code Included!