This is and advanced package in which the developer can create a market between different cities using 4 different resources: gold, food, military and energy. The different resources are sorted in three specific layers: city level, country level and continent level. Each of those levels summarizes the resources of the element, using a chart that is displayed on the game scene. Trading occurs when the offer and the demand is satisfied, which means that a city has enough resources to sell them and another city needs those resources. For further information about the package structure and its features, please refer to the video of the asset.
Solar system
This package includes:
1. Scripts that control camera movement.
2.Scripts that control the interaction with cities, countries and continents.
3.Two different layouts arranged in two scenes: Europe and Solar System.
4.Scripts that draw the resources using specific charts.
5.Prefabs that can be customizable to change the cities, charts and other elements.
6. All the textures, gameobjects, materials shown in the video.
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