The Augmented Open World Development KIT enhances your traditional Marker-based Augmented Reality (AR) experience! Acting as a simple, yet powerful tool, this asset allows you to expand not only your AR application scenarios, but also the gameplay through the integration of marker-based interaction as a reliable input methodology - no more small scenarios limited to your workspace, nor physical keyboards and touch screens needed to interact with your AR game!
Asset features:
(1) Character movement system that enables Open-World navigation in marker-based AR applications, otherwise limited to the Player's perspective of the marker under limited-sized scenarios.
(1.1) Player third person perspective navigation, allowing your character to explore huge AR scenarios;
(1.2) NPC autonumous navigation using Unity's navigation system for path generation. (*)
(2) Highly flexible trigger-based interaction system, ideal for marker-based AR applications. With it you can stop rellying in physical keyboards and touch screens to interact with your marker-based AR application!
(2.1) Allows for the implementation of several "ButtonSetups" each one containing several physical in-scene buttons, and associated to an action;
(2.2) Each action acts as a listener of the trigger-based interaction of the buttons contained within the corresponding "ButtonSetup";
(2.3) Actions are customizable and implemented through the implementation of a basic C# interface.
(3) Developed using Vuforia as the main AR SDK. Nonetheless, there is no direct dependency between the asset and the SDK, so most of the features will work out-of-the-box as intended without any warnings nor compilation errors. (**)
(4) This asset includes three demonstration scenes, with basic scene setup, showing all the developed features:
(4.1) Demo #1 - Implements the trigger-based interaction system using two Vuforia image targets ("ARTarget - Main" and "ARTarget - Controller"). As the user rotates the "ARTarget - Controller" marker, the in-game arrow will point at a given virtual button and, consequently, trigger the correspondent action;
(4.2) Demo #2 - Implements the augmented open world character navigation approach in a practical example for both Player and NPCs. Once more, this scene uses two Vuforia image targets ("ARTarget - Main" and "ARTarget - Controller"). By focusing the main target and rotating the "ARTarget - Controller" marker, an in-game arrow will point in the desired direction and move the player. In addition, this scene also allows you to test the NPC autonomous navigation feature of the asset (simple canvas instructions are displayed to show you how);
(4.3) Demo #3 - Joins (4.1) and (4.2) functionality into one. This scene uses three Vuforia image targets ("ARTarget - Main", "ARTarget - Movement controller" and "ARTarget - Interaction controller"). In this scene, you can manipulate your character's movement with "ARTarget - Movement controller" and trigger-based interaction with "ARTarget - Interaction controller", while focusing the main target as well. (*)
(5) Full access to organized source-code.
(6) Visual prefabs used in the demonstration scenes (virtual button models, demonstration scripts, etc).
(*) this feature requires "Unity-Technologies/NavMeshComponents" high level API to work properly (https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/NavMeshComponents/tree/2017.2).
(**) the demonstration scenes included in this asset, however, require Vuforia to run. Please keep in mind that this asset focuses on AR application development.
(*) this scene configuration was developed for Head Mounted Display (HMD) marker-based AR.