It provides the functionality you need to produce the game for free.
Provides services for productivity, performance, analysis, management, contributing to the quality of projects.Game Package Manager is a brand of NHN providing free services required for game developmentWith Game Package Manager, you can identify the service list of Game Package Manager and install, remove, or update services as you need.ServiceWebView : Provides a web view that can be used in various ways in the game.AssetManagement : AssetManagement is a tool that allows you to easily manage your Unity assets.LogViewer : LogViewer enables users to view Unity logs with device system information on the screen and to call APIs registered by developers.UI : Provide components to use Unity UI more efficiently.CacheStorage : CacheStorage is a service that can improve performance by supporting Cache during web communication in Unity.Profiler : Profiler is a tool that helps the optimization as it allows users to see the device performance and system information on the screen.Shader : Provides components that have various effects on the game.Communicator : Communicator is a framework that can easily exchange data with native by providing one common interface.InformationPlease visit Game Package Manager GitHub for more information.Also don't hesitate sending us your ideas for service improvement or inquiries to:dl_gpm_help@nhn.com