This is a three-storey modular building with an adjacent territory, modular window, modular door, elevator.Mixall studio presents a good solution for your games, VR projects and simulators: Laboratory big building, characters and props.All room with all the necessary equipment, furniture, as well as with characters (Character setup to work with Mecanim, no animations included in this pack). All doors you can open.Warning!! All textures in the PBR package. They are suitable for both URP and Build-in. In the standard state, everything is configured under the URP. If you have the whole scene "Pink", change the render settings.★ Key Features ★detailed medical equipmentmodern high quality interior10 head texturesgame ready demo scene★ Assets ★Environments: Building, Fences with wire, Gates, 2 Doors, Windows, Borders 2, Stairs, Reception, Big lamps, Big cabinet, Carpet, Elevator.Props: 6 types Big cabinet, 7 types chair, 16 types table, 5 types fridges and food machine, 3 types sofa, bowler, cell, 2 fermenter, 3 types rack, Robohand, 3 types stairs, trashcan etc.Characters: Heads (includes 10 head textures), Teeth and tongue, Hand, Laboratory clothes type 1, Laboratory clothes type 2, Gas mask.We will be grateful if you fill out this form. This will help improve our work.★ Other Assets ★Combine this asset pack with our other assets:Hospital modular building, props and charactersLOW POLY WORLD HOSPITALHospital ward interior and propsDental room interior and equipmentHospital corridor modular interior and propsDental RoomNeed support? Write to us: Mixall.team@gmail.com★ Follow us on social media ★INSTAGRAM | YOUTUBE | FACEBOOKARTSTATION | PINTEREST | DISCORDNumber of unique models/prefabs: 162/297;Number of polygons: from 100 (for simple models) to 77000 (for complex models);Number of textures: 101;Textures: All texture maps PBR;Texture size: 2048x2048;Types of texture maps: Albedo, Normal, Metallic;UV mapping: Yes.Polygon count of:Environments:Building 31 500 trisFences with wire 4 700 trisGates 12 100 tris2 Doors 3 400 trisWindows 9 600 trisBorders 2 800 trisStairs 28 300 trisReception 5 200 trisBig lamps 15 200 trisBig cabinet 1900 trisCarpet 2 100 trisElevator trisProps:6 types Big cabinet 55 700 tris7 types chair 50 500 tris16 types table 79 700 tris5 types fridges and food machine 102 100 tris3 types sofa 12 900 trisboller 9 800 triscell 59 100 tris2 fermenter 43 100 tris3 types rack 77 000 trisRobohand 11 200 tris3 types stairs 16 300 tristrashcan 3 700 trisTV 10 000 trisUT_Equipment 10 700 trisEcran 2 400 trisEasel 6 000 tris3 types flower jug 10 000 trisAir_conditioning 2 500 trisBiorad 2 200 tris2 types blender 8 600 tris2 types centrifuge 21 900 tris4 types distiller 54 700 tris2 types dry heat 6 200 tris2 types dryer 9 100 tris2 types evaporator 23 500 tris3 types microscope 30 300 trisGlove box 27 200 trisHardness tester 5 800 tris2 types heater 6 400 trisInfrared_digestor 15 000 trisKF_titrators 10 700 trisLab light 8 600 trislaptop 5 600 trisMicrowave 2 900 tris2 mixer 4 700 trisOscilloscope 4 100 tris2 types owen 13 000 trisPC 11 100 tris2 types PCR box 7 400 trisPhoto effects 6 000 trisPolarograph 13 600 trisPower_sources 3 700 trisPressure measurement 11 300 trisProjector 11 400 tris2 types pump 17 300 trisRotator 33 200 trisShaker 7 000 trisSpectrophotometer 4 300 tris2 types tank 9 500 trisTester 12 700 tris2 types Thermal_cycler 12 100 trisTrash 3 800 tris2 types vacuum aspirator 17 000 trisVortex 6 200 trisVosher 18 900 tris2 types water bath 15 100 tris3 types weight 3 300 trisBag 6 300 trisBank 5 100 trisBottles 11 400 trisBurner 7 700 trisCage 17 700 tris3 cap 7 700 trisDispenser 17 200 trisFlask holder 11 400 tris30 types flasks 40 900 trisFolder 2 300 trisHourglasses 14 400 tris2 tablets 64 400 tris3 layout 44 700 tris8 types tube 17 800 trisPainting 2 500 tris3 pen 4 200 tris32 types bottles 24 500 tris2 types flowers 25 400 tris2 types lamp 10 400 tris6 types safety system 11 000 trisScratchpad 26 100 tris3 types switch 6 400 tris2 types tube holder 16 000 trisCharacters:Heads (includes 10 head textures)1500 faces for one headTeeth and tongue 3000 facesHand 4000 facesLaboratory clothes type1 (two type textures) 2 700 facesLaboratory clothes type2 3 250 facesGas mask 1 150 faces14 statik poses for demo scenes