Soldier voice pack of 388 military type audio recording lines with and without radio effect (total of 194 voice lines of a scottish female soldier voice, including some variations). This includes some pain/death/hurt sounds.
Please write "Soldier Voice by Rachel Bell" or similar into your in-game credits.
Voice talent: Rachel Bell
Voice talent website: castingcall.club/m/greybell
Voice talent soundcloud: soundcloud.com/parsleyva
Producer: iwanPlays
Producer website: castingcall.club/m/iwanPlays
The lines are:
Abort Mission!
All Clear!
ASAP! [Asap]
A S A P! [spelled out]
Attack Formation.
Can do.
Clear! [meaning that no more enemies are in the area]
Copy That.
Cover Me!
Covering Fire!
Enemy Down.
Enemy Engaged.
Enemy Spotted.
Engage The Enemy.
Engaging Enemy.
Engaging Target.
Fall Back!
Fire In The Hole!
Get Down!
Get Into Position.
Get To Position.
Go Go Go!
Going Silent.
Good Job.
Good Luck.
Hold Them Off.
Hold Your Fire!
Hold Your Position.
Hold Your Positions.
Holding Position.
Hostiles Detected.
I Can't Do That.
I'm Down!
I'm in position.
I'm in range.
I'm On It.
I'm Under Heavy Fire!
Impossible. [player gave impossible command, e.g. "walk on water" in a game where swimming is not a feautre]
I need a medic out here!
I need backup!
In Position.
In Range.
Kill Confirmed.
Locked On Target.
Locking On Target.
Mam, Yes, Mam!
Man Down!
Move Out.
Need Backup.
No Can Do. [see "impossible"]
No Problemo.
No Way.
Okey Dokey./Okie Dokie.
Open Fire.
Opening Fire.
Order Acknowledged.
Order Received.
Out Of Range.
[Pain A] [you tripped and fell]
[Pain B] [you got punched]
[Pain C] [you got shot in the arm]
[Pain D] [you got shot in the gut]
[Pain E] [you're dead]
Request Immediate Support.
Requesting Assistance.
Require Support.
Roger That.
See You On The Other Side.
Show Me The Money.
Sir, Yes, Sir.
Standing By.
Status Critical.
Stay Low.
Take Cover!
Taking Casualties!
Tango Down.
Target Destroyed.
Target Eliminated.
Target Hit.
Target In Range.
Target Spotted.
This Way.
Too Easy.
Took Em Down With One Shot.
Under Heavy Fire!
Visual On Target.
Watch Out!
We Are Under Fire.
We Have Been Detected.
Weapons Free.
Well Done.
Yes, Mam!
Yes, Sir!
Gie It Laldy
Gonny No Dae That (not gonna do that)
Haud Yer Wheesht (shut up)
Here's Tae Us, Wha's Like Us (here's to us, who's like us)
Lang May Yer Lum Reek (May you never be without fuel for your fire/Long may your chimney smoke)
Pure Braw (gorgeous!/beautiful!)
We're All Jock Tamson's Bairns (we're all the same/we're all human under our skin)
Yer Aff Yer Heid (You're off your head/you're crazy)
Yer Baw's Oan The Slates (your s*** hit the fan)
Sneaky, "Lucky" Lilliam Smith is a specialist in recon and a favorite for CIA activity in the Americas. Officially used in "The War on Drugs" operations. Intel unconfirmed. Lilly is jolly but once business is going down, she becomes completely calm and focused. Scottish accent.
Great for Tactical FPS, RTS, TBS, Action games.