This is a sample asset pack. If you like it, please buy the FULL pack.
The FULL pack has:
* many more mesh options
* many more age conditions
* many more colours
* 2 types of crates, pallets, and a chain-padlock
* LODs for all models.
This fully-PBR pack contains 2 different size of shipping containers of 2 different colours. These are generic in nature and intended for sampling the fidelity of my paid Container pack. These can also be used in Student games, Game Jams or prototyping. You CAN also use these assets in a Commercial Project provided you put a small mention of me in the Credits. Out-of-the-Box, this pack was made for 'Standard 3D(with Extra)' pipeline. Although, the textures supplied in the pack is compatible with URP and HDRP.
Please note, that this is a sample of a Paid version of this package. The Paid version has many other options, with many other variations, and most textures in 4K resolution. The Paid package will also contain some additional smaller props.
* 1 20-feet shipping container model.
* 1 40-feet shipping container model.
* This pack DOES NOT contain any scripts.
* 4 x 2048px x 2048px textures.
* 4 x Prefabs.
* 2 x Standard materials.
* 2 x Demo scenes; 1 Day time, 1 Night time.
* 2 x Skybox materials (for Demo scenes).
* 1 x Ground Material (for Demo scenes).
* 3 x 2048px x 2048px ground textures (for Demo scenes).
* Collisions already set in Prefabs.
This package is not compatible with anything below Unity 6000.0.33f1. Anything above it should be compatible.
The Demo scenes are located under 'Assets -> Sayantan -> Props -> Large -> Container_FREE -> Scenes'. Please note that these scenes will only work in 'Standard3D + Extra' Rendering pipeline. There are 2 scenes in total; 'Day' and 'Night'.
The Prefabs are located under 'Assets -> Sayantan -> Props -> Large -> Container_FREE -> Prefabs -> Clean'.
This Standard variant is actually Standard + Post-Process V2. So please make sure you have Post-Process setup in your Project for the scenes to work properly.
For suggestions, feedback, support, complains, or just to drop by to say 'Hello!', mail me at 'sayantan.biswas@hotmail.com' [without the quotes]. :)