Create Unity Scenes from Lightwave Scene files simply and easily.LWS Importer is part of the Lightwave Importer asset set. If you have already purchased LWO Importer, then all you need now is LWS Importer to give you complete Lightwave → Unity integration.*Important* LWO Importer is required in order to import Lightwave models. LWS Importer on its own will not give you this ability. To purchase both these assets together at a discount, take a look at the complete Lightwave ImporterUsage:Import the LWS Importer package into your Unity project. Thats it! Unity should now be able to import any .lws files. A copy of Lightwave is not required for this asset to work! Which makes LWS Importer really useful for both artists and programmers!Features:• Support for the following scene object types: Camera, Light, Model*, Null, Bone.• Imports all keyframe animation relating to Position, Rotation and Scale of objects.• Hierarchy and layer names appear just as in Lightwave.• Bones assigned to meshes with Vertex Weight Maps are imported and converted to Skinned Meshes*• All keyframe interpolation types are converted into Unity equivalents. This includes: TCB, Bezier, Hermite, Linear and Stepped.• Various import options, including: optimise redundant keyframes, choose the frame range for the timeline, and make bones visible in the editor.Limitations:• Only keyframe animation assigned to Position, Rotation and Scale channels are imported. MotionMixer, Material keyframes etc are not currently supported.• Boned animation of models that are composed of subpatch or Catmull-Clarke surfaces is not currently fully supported.• Pre/Post animation behaviour of individual channels is ignored.• IK controlled animation is not supported. To import into Unity, the resulting animation must be baked out into keyframes.* requires LWO Importer to be installed. Otherwise an empty GameObject proxy is created.