AwesomeNET allows you to easily add crossplatform mulitplayer and matchmaking capabilities to your game. Completely without writing networking code or players tossing around IP adresses or forwarding ports.
Just start the server, and add a script to every object that should act synchronized on every client and FIRE!
The AssetStore tool comes with a server you can easily run yourselve that also supports matchmaking functionallity like creating or joining game rooms, great doccumentation, examples, tutorials and completely open code for you to learn from or modify to your needs. It is extremely easily integratable to existing games as the only code change that needs to be made is the call of the function you want to run online.
As you or your players can host the server by yourselve/themselve there are no subscriptions or monthly costs. Buy AwesomeNET once and use it for free forever.
How does it work?
All communication is handled by a script called NetworkController. Once this is connected you just add another script called NetworkGameObjectConnector to every object you want to add network functionality to. This script has a GUI in which you can register every function you want to run online. Now you just have to change the execution of your networked action from e.g. Cube.Drop() to RunNetworkCommand("Cube.Drop") and the method will execute on every connected client. Please see the Doccumentation for detailled manuals and examples.
What do I get?
- AwesomeNET client scripts for Unity
- Matchmaking GUI for your players to easily create and join game rooms
- Demo scene with implemented network functionality
- AwesomeNET Server Software
- Detailled Doccumentation and tutorial videos (coming soon)
What platforms are supported?
As for the editor, the asset store packgage was testet with the following Unity versions:
- Windows
- macOS
- Linux (beta)
AwesomeNET will run in every game build that supports mono and was tested with build versions on:
- Windows
- macOS
- Linux
- Android
What do I need to run the server?
The server can be ran on basically every Linux, macOS or Windows client. A static IP or at least a dynamicDNS solution is recommended but not vital. Please consult the Doccumentation for detailed instructions on how to run the server.
AwesomeNET is being actively developed and new features may be added soon! Stay tuned!
Server Download
Support & feature requests
AwesomeNET was designed to synchronize multiplayer games that aren't time critical like RTS games because its focus was set on stability rather than on transmission speed (don't worry everything will still happen instantaneously on every client). This means if a network command drops the server will retransmit the command until all clients have received it. As of this it may be possible to develop real time games like a FPS with it but it isn't really recommended.