Feel free to contact support@archieandrews.games with support inquiries.
Are you sick and tired of creating new scriptable objects, enums and classes for every new project you start?
Then you might want to summon a Script Wizard!
Script Wizard is a simple tool that allows users to generate frequantly used scripts without touching any code!
Using Script Wizard's UI you can define variables and rules that will generate code for making scriptable objects, enums and custom data.
- Generate Scriptable Objects scipts.
- Define protection to variables.
- Generate Enums with values.
- Generate Classes with constructors.
- Ommit and include options for class constructors.
- Auto rename variables to avoid errors in generated code.
- Options to overwrite or auto rename files if conflicts exisit.
This tool is perfect for people who regualry use these types of classes in their projects or prototypes.
Feel free to mail feature requests to support@archieandrews.games