Now building conversation,cutscenes, events just got easier when using this tool. This uses a node based system,to generate statements, decisions,message box, with no SCRIPTING involved, this asset would be the right choice weather you a programmer, artist, audio designer.
check my page below for more information about this asset and to download the PDF on how to use this dialogue engine note PDF is free
my page below
My page,
tutorials. Note I'll add more tutorials
how to use dialogue system part 1,
how to use dialogue system part 2,
-Node based system
-users can change editor skin, such as background texture, grid color, line color e.t.c
-if you aren't a programmer you can use this,NO SCRIPTING INVOLVED.
-trigger statements on collision or by conditions your choice
-Ui is made to be user friendly, I.e meaning it is easy to use
- generate events common to most games just by on click (for example:- load a new scene addictive, single or a sync ,destroy gameobjects, instantiate objects randomly, quit, and many more.
You can also create your own custom events
-built in functions and methods, for users
that can programme/code.
-build unlimited statement block, linking them to one another without extra scripting.
-make decision boxes similar to The SIMs,simcity,batman arkham asylum,so on
-make message box and also attach events to them.
-customizable gui, yes you can apply textures, resize gui to whatever you want inoder to bring about a unique dialogue for your game.
contact me. coderf59@gmail.com if any issue