Readme is a rich-text editing tool for adding documentation and notes directly to Unity GameObjects. It expands on Unity's built in rich-text with a shortcut toolbar, in-line object fields, and more!FEATURES✅ Richtext tag support✅ Inline object fields✅ Source view editor✅ Redistributable version availableSUPPORTED TAGS✅ B - bold✅ I - itallics✅ COLOR - font color✅ SIZE - font size✅ O - object referenceUSEFUL LINKSTiny PHX: Join our community and see what else we're working on.Unity Forum: Follow the conversation step by step along with us.Readme (Paid Version): Show your support and get the paid version for $10.REDISTRIBUTERedestribute in your assets all you want!COMMUNITYJoin in on the conversation about new features and known issues on the forum. Have an idea for making Readme even better? Drop us a line in the community forum!Readme is developed and published by Tiny PHX.