Enhance your work process with our suite of editor tools you didn't know you need until you use them.
Compatible with Unity versions from 2017.2 to the latest 2023 releases. Offers full support for multi-scene editing, prefab staging scenes and scaled UIs for high resolution displays.
Tools running automatically on background:
* Warning signs shows potential issues in the scene or prefab directly within the Hierarchy window. This includes alerts for missing scripts, missing references, invalid button actions, multiple audio listeners and much more.
* Automatically starts from any wanted scene when pressing Play in Unity. And restores you previous work scenes and/or prefabs back to editor after returning from play mode.
* Automatically renaming GameObjects using default names with more sensible names. Add an image component to new GameObject and set sprite to "balloon.png" and this tool changes GameObject's name from default "GameObject" to "Image - balloon".
* Near integer snapping for transforms. Transform values that appear for example like 5.03429e-07 in Inspector are automatically changed to 0.
Manual tools:
* Time scale presets to quickly change time scale when application is playing in editor. Also possible to force keeping certain timescale and option to pause application when any Hierarchy change happens.
* Text search to find UI texts, text meshes or TextMeshPro text fields containing wanted text. Not from object names, but from actual text fields.
* Find scripts that are referring to certain GameObject, another script or any component in Scene or prefab. This is also integrated to context menu in Hierarchy so it can be used without having this tool open.
* Object counter to show how many GameObjects or components are using certain layers, tags, sorting layers or sorting orders. You'll get clean lists of these and buttons to quickly find them. Also great for finding unused layers or tags.
* Calculator to evaluate simple calculations like "2^32-1". Supporting parenthesis, exponents, multiplication, division, modulo, addition, subtraction and scientific notation.
* Converter to convert integer values between decimal, hexadecimal, binary or octal values. This can be also used directly in Calculator.
* Hiding GameObjects from Hierarchy, listing hidden GameObjects and bringing them back when needed.
* Display all cameras in Scene at once and see what each camera is viewing. Easily copy Scene view camera's position to game camera, or move Scene view camera to any game camera's position.
* Transform info to show object's global (world) position, global rotation and global (lossy) scale. In case of RectTransforms, showing extra information not normally visible in Inspector.
* Showing visual information of transparency of 2D texture or sprite.
* Change object's position, rotation or scale without moving, rotating or scaling any of their children.
* Quick buttons to clear PlayerPrefs or EditorPrefs.
See the screenshots for better view of many tools.