Add more action in your game! This Explosion pack contains everything you need to make a big BOOM! -- Compatibility -- All sprites are packed into 4096x4096 sprite sheets, which can be easily used on any modern platform and compressed to lower size if needed. -- Contents -- Each explosion was simulated using physically-based engine PhoenixFD to ensure maximum realism: ▪ 4 small explosions - each on a 4096x4096 spritesheet, 256x256 individual sprite size, 256 frames (8.5 seconds on 30 FPS) ▪ 3 big explosions - each on a 4096x4096 sprite sheet, 256x256 individual sprite size, 256 frames (8.5 seconds on 30 FPS) ▪ 4 nuclear explosions - each on a 4096x4096 + 2048x2048 spritesheet, 256x256 individual sprite size, 320 frames (10.6 seconds on 30 FPS) Each Explosion effect comes with ready-to-use prefab (11 total). Demo scene included. Enjoy! Hope you like this asset! All comments and suggestions are welcome!