Power Inspector reboots the inspector experience and takes it to the next level, speeding up your workflow and getting rid of many pain points.This is not just another custom editor, Power Inspector is a complete rewrite of the Unity inspector!Power Inspector fixes many pain points of your old inspectors and speeds up your workflow - and all without any need to integrate it to your code! This is a true must have for anyone doing a lot of work in Unity.⚡ More than 100 improvements to the inspector experience!⚡ More than 100 enhanced drawers!• Forum - Have new feature ideas or any questions? Let us know here.• Documentation - Complete documentation on all the features.• Issue Tracker - Report bugs here so they can get fixed as quickly as possible.—— FEATURES ——☑ Plug & PlayMaking Power Inspector work in plug-and-play fashion has been top priority – just open the Power Inspector window and you’re all set.learn more☑ Back And Forward ButtonsIt is finally possible: back and forward buttons seamlessly integrated into the inspector.learn more☑ Search BoxHaving trouble finding a field nested somewhere among dozen components?Failing to spot a specific item within an enormous list?With the new search box you can just type a few letters and instantly find whatever you need.learn more☑ Split ViewEnjoy effortless multitasking without having to jump back and forth between targets.learn more☑ Debug Mode+Reveal all hidden data with just a few clicks using the new Debug Mode+. Even hidden Components and fields can no longer hide from you.learn more☑ Quick Invoke MenuInvoke any method on any Component on the fly using a convenient popup menu to help with play mode testing.☑ Inspect AnythingDon't be limited to working only with fields - Power Inspector let's you expose properties and methods in the inspector with ease.learn more☑ Copy-Paste Any FieldAnything you can see in the inspector supports copy-paste.learn more☑ Easy Keyboard NavigationEasily jump to any field in any direction using your arrow keys.Additional shortcuts unlock possibilities such as jumping to other components of the same type in the scene.learn more☑ Practical TooltipsNew tooltip icons ensure users don't miss any important information.And tooltips can now be automatically generated from comments in your code!learn more☑ Colorful Script PreviewsA new script editor adds colorful formatting to your scripts, making them much more pleasant to look at. Line numbering lets you know your exact position and enables you to jump to that line in your external code editor.learn more☑ Create Script WizardCreate new scripts swiftly while keeping your project well organized with help of the Create Script Wizard.learn more☑ Nestable DrawersPower Inspector is built on the power of all-new nestable drawers. These put the inflexible Custom Editors of old to shame, making it easy to extend and remix existing drawers with a lot of flexibility.learn more☑ Thoroughly CustomizableAlmost every aspect of the inspector experience has been exposed in the preferences so you can adjust everything to pure perfection.learn more☑ Seamlessly IntegratedPower Inspector is so well integrated it feels like a native part of the editor. It is effortless to make the switch, but very soon you can't even imagine working in Unity without it!☑ Highly CompatibleFull compatibility with most other Unity extensions including Odin Inspector, Peek and Hierarchy PRO!learn more☑ Easy To ExtendWant to add new drawers, toolbar items or even customize the whole drawer building pipeline? All of this is easy to do!learn more☑ And Much, Much, More...Power Inspector packs in way too many improvements to recount them all here. You can rest assured that many paint points have been dealt with. You can find more information on all features in the online documentation.ContactIf you have any questions leave a post in the forum or get in touch directly using the contact form at our website.Back And Forward ButtonsSearch BoxSplit ViewDebug Mode+Quick Invoke MenuInspect AnythingCopy-PasteResetRandomizeEasy Keyboard NavigationMiddle-Mouse PingingDynamic Prefix ColumnColorful Script PreviewsCreate Script WizardPractical TooltipsStacked Multi-Editing ModeCategorized Components Mode100+ Enhanced Drawers