Seidr is an easy-to-use digital space for Unity on Windows which lets you quickly experience your assets in Virtual Reality.
It is made as a plugin that you install into unity and very quickly you are able to create immersive experiences with little to no previous experience with development of virtual reality applications or unity.
Create experiences using your Unity Scenes, FBX models, sound files and interactive HTML packages or get started with our bundled assets.
Our website seidr.io will have further information soon.
Seidr depends on Photon Pun 2 and Photon Voice 2 to function, you will have to import them before or after importing seidr. You can get both in one package HERE. .
We recommend that you in Unity go to Window -> Package Manager -> OpenVR (Desktop)
and install it if it is not already.
We recommend you have a OpenVR compatible headset to use seidr but it is also possible to build AR experiences with android 7+ or IOS 12+. Support for Oculus Quest is experimental. The plugin is tested with Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, IOS and Android.
When starting seidr for the first time after installing photon voice 2 you may get a PUN Setup window, simply press skip and then close. If you see the default unity layout, go to Tools -> Seidr -> Run
Seidr will by default connect to the internet. If you don't want this then select the offline mode in the build tab
Asset requirements: - FBX files should have embedded textures and animations to work correctly - Scenes should have any ground plane(s) tagged with "Ground" - Sound files, most formats are supported but mp3 or wav are recommended - HTML packages should be a folder with an index.html in the root directory. We recommend www.proto.io for quickly and easily creating HTML based interfaces
Refer to the included readme.txt for more information on how to use Seidr or contact us at jjj@mjolner.dk