This is for showing Reward, Result scene.
At almost all games, after one stage ended, there will be some result screen (scene). At there, normally shows earned gold, points, reward items, trophies, etc.
So this system mimic the famous game's reward scene, Monster Hunter World.
Shows earned items by cleared quests, slayed monsters, bonus rewards by met specific conditions like destruction of some part of monster.
All item shows based on previously set probabilities of each item's own table. Of course you can set this too by reference of this asset's example.
And after check earned items, if there is some unidentified items, we move to identify screen. By click Identify button, items identified and you can check it.
After identify scene, we move to report result scene.
At here, you can make various reports freely like earned gold, point, trophy, notification, etc.
So overall, you can adopt and integrate this system for your game.