Color Studio is a Unity extension for creating color palettes and pixel art, with tools for dynamic recoloring, texture editing/voxelizing, and palette management. It supports all render pipelines.Color Studio is a powerful editor extension that lets you:a) Create appealing color palettes using a variety of tools integrated in an easy to use editor window,b) Create or edit textures and sprites right into the Editor using a powerful Pixel Painter window,c) Recolor any gameobject, including skinned objects and sprites, in editor and runtime.d) Voxelize textures: create 3D gameobjects from a sprite texture.With Color Studio you can leverage color theory to create procedural color combinations that look nicely together.Texture & Sprite Authoring• Create or edit textures and sprites using an integrated Pixel Art Painter window.• Includes different brushes, widths and shapes.• Advanced brushes like darken, lighten, vivid, dry, tone noise, gradient, ....• Rotate, displace, flip or resize the drawing canvas.• Mirror drawing support.• Seamless mode preview.• Zoom & panning support.• Designed for productivity and ease of use, including full undo/redo support.Texture Voxelization• Voxelize/export textures as gameobjects from the Pixel Painter window.• The algorithm uses optimizations to reduce vertex count of the resulting mesh.Palette Creation & Management Features:• Automates color swatch generation based on different algorithms, shade and hue count. Use the interactive color wheel to visualize your results in realtime.• Generate gradients and color combinations including complementary, triadic/square, accented analogous, etc.• Can customize palette by adding/removing custom colors.• Customize saturation, brightness and overall color temperature.• Load/save color palettes as ScriptableObject. Manage all palettes in your project from a single view.• Generate C# code with color values as an array.• Import ASE palettes (Adobe Swatch Exchange format).• Includes 10 sample palettes.Editor Extension:• Your palettes remain visible in a convenient Editor Window.• Includes a compact view which only shows the current palette. Useful with Unity color picker as you have always your preferred palettes/colors at hand.Dynamic Color Transformation Tool:• Generate LUT from any palette and use it with assets like Beautify to quickly color the entire scene according to the palette.• Choose a gameobject to show its main color/texture and the suggested color/transformed texture based on the current palette. Export the suggested texture with a click.• Recolor gameobjects and sprites at runtime: add the "Recolor" script to a gameobject or sprite to change its colors (material, texture or vertex colors) automatically based on any palette in realtime.• Can specify per-color operations (preserve original or replace with custom color).• Can apply LUT or color grading options to individual gameobjects or sprites.Render Pipeline Compatibility:Color Studio works with all render pipelines (built-in/URP/HDRP/Custom).Color Studio is brought to you by Kronnect.Color Studio is 50% OFF for all customers of Voxel Play 2.Check out our other assets | Support | kronnect.com