Game bridge is a free Storyteller extension , which allows you to use your storyteller data in game.
There are currently three example scenes in the Game Bridge project.
● Detective Bot (basic setup for a mini mystery game)
● 好きじゃないよ❕ (Basic setup for a visual novel)
● NPC Quest (basic setup for NPC interction)
Quickly and very easily bring your stories to life with game bridge by generating dialogue data set from any storyteller scene and using it directly in game.
What Game Bridge Can do?
●Define your Player. This determines which character in your story will be your main player in your game.
● Easily Setup UI for dialogue interfaces. Design any UI you want and simply drag and drop parts to setup.
●Dedicated Typing text setup and standard instant text display.
●Keyword filters. This will search your displayed text for a flagged word and replace it. example use case: needing to mention a character by name if the name is setup at runtime. replaced and replacing words can be static written words or dynamic scripted strings.
●Voiceover playback, the voice clips your record in storyteller can be pushed over into your Scene Data and used in game.
●Sound Effect Playback, allows you to playback sound effects you push to game bridge.
● Alternate Route Titles. This allows you to define a custom text for the choices a character will make if you are using a UI with choices . For example , in a dating sim game.
●Condition System. Trigger any multiple functions based on any condition/ conditions from any node. This allows you to be able to literally trigger any function what can be triggered in your game.
Example : if players health is less than 50% , tell the player to go to talk to the health potion vendor.
Example: if character hair colour is blue then trigger function to blow up a building.
you can also shift the execution order of your conditions with a single button click.
● Time controlled condition system . Conditions can use your nodes delay or duration to determine when to trigger a function/ functions.
●Auto Start Condition System. By turning on Auto start. conditions are triggered once your dialogue or character data is processed.
We have placed the assets in the Storyteller Package. If you download Game Bridge then you are already a storyteller user so you get the assets.
What you get (so far)
● High Quality character asset
● Fully modeled and detailed example scene.
● Example prefabs
●simple effects and environment assets
The two core components for game bridge right now will be the Dialoguer and Character components which are similar. except Dialoguer processes story data with a predetermined path and the Character component handles dynamic dialogue generation.
Our Storyteller Scripting API documentation outlines the data structure of your Story, Scene and Nodes and gives you the information you need in order to access and make use of stories , scene and character data however you want to.