Just Drag&Drop a prefab to have an instantly working HUD for your flying machine. A pack of 6 different types of aircraft HUDs.A pack of 6 different types of HUDs ready to use, each one with its own unique behavior and High Fidelity:- European, American Standard, Old and Modern Russian, MIG, and Civilian Aviation.All displayed data is automatically calculated by the script. It can be used for aircrafts, helicopters, drones, mechs, cannons, surveillance, or any controlled machine. By disabling the HUD's frame It can also be used as an HMD (Helmet-Mounted Display) similar to those used on the F-35 fighter jet.To use you just have to Drag&Drop the HUD canvas PreFab to your scene and link a reference to your aircraft Transform or RigidBody. If you leave it empty, then it will automatically track for the MainCamera's movement. It works for all screen aspect ratios.This Advanced Version also features:- Current Speed, Altitude, Heading, aircraft Attitude such as Pitch, Roll, Artificial Horizon, Glide Path, G-Force (current, max and min), Vertical Velocity, Horizontal Velocity, Angle of Attack and Angle of Slip.- Adjustable Off-Set and Scaling factor to enable different orientations and unities conversion.- Configurable LowPassFilter factor to smooth, avoid abrupt fluctuation on values, or just to read instant values.- Comes with a mini Sound Manager and a Console Display that shows small timed messages on the bottom of the HUD.- Also comes with a simple Camera movement script that emulates an aircraft flight for proper testing of the instruments.- Suitable both for Arcade or Simulations.Update 1.1 included PreFabs configured in WorldSpace for using inside 3D environments and cockpits.Update 1.2 included a New Feature: Easily change the HUD color anytime.Full Source Code Included!