Apocalyptic Weapon Pack ShadowOfTheTree $0.0 $5.00 100%OFF (no ratings) 3D 小道具 Jump AssetStore このアセットの説明 Pack Contains optimized objects with 2K Textures: Tool Bench Total polygon count: 492 Baseball Bat Mods: Saw blades, nails, barbed wire, electric wire with battery, and rail road spikes Total polygon count: 15554 HockeyStick Mods: Nails, Saw blades, electric chain/metal pipe with batteries, and cloth Total polygon count: 16208 Paddle Mods: Barbed wire with cloth wraps, nails, and saw blades with wraps Total polygon count: 32374 Hammer Mod: plug wired with battery Total polygon count: 6203 Pipes 7 iron pipe joints to construct custom pipe weapons Total polygon count: 6724