Version 2.10
Made to work for all AR SDKs/Toolkits!
What does RealSunAR™ do?
It creates & rotates a directional sun at the same place as the real Sun. In other words it's currently the only way to give illumination & shadows on your AR objects that match those of the real sun!
Hasn't google released something like that?
In a few words... No. Google's light estimate is only
good for interior scenes. You can find more about this
and you can download the comparison app using this link.
Is there a demo?
Yes. You can download an android .apk file to install on
your ARCore compatible android phone. Use this link
to download.
Is it hard to use?
Just drag and drop one script on a root gameobject and you are done!
You don't have to think about it. I've also included tooltips on everything.
Version 2.00 now comes with a debugging mode for all you statistics maniacs out there.
• Made to be super easy, everything is automated
• Includes tool to simplify switching the lights from sun to internal and vice versa
• My own algorithm for smoothing compass values
• An internal compass drift detector
• Sun updates as time passes
• Countless sail-safe mechanisms under the hood
• Tips & warnings appear on the inspector or the console (optional)
• The Sun's intensity as well as it's color will change at altitudes near Horizon
• The shadow's strength is automatically set according to the local weather!
• Regularly Updated
• Open source
• Constant top quality support
How does it do that?
Basically, it uses the phone's GPS and Compass to figure out
where you are and where you are looking then it uses my own
algorithm to position the sun taking account all that, as well
as June/December solstice and comes with a ShadowCatcher
material that acts as a plain ground that shows shadows.
Also, it takes into account other elements such as:
• Weather (Through the OpenWeatherMap API)
• The device's tilt (compass tends to get reversed when looking over 90 degrees)
• If the phone was shaking around (compass stability)
• If the camera is indeed starting generating it's own rotation coordinates
Will it work for me?
Still sceptical? You can use this free tool (Unity package file) to verify that it does work under your AR SDK & hardware!
Where was it tested?
It's been tested & verified in:
• Greece
• Germany
• UK
Verified compatibility with Unity versions
• 2019.3.0b4
• 2019.2.6
• 2019.1.8
• 2019.1.7
• 2019.1.5
• 2018.4.9
• 2018.4.2
• 2018.4.0 (I submitted the plug-in using this version)
• 2017.4.32
• 2017.4.29
• 2017.4.28
RealSunAR works in both Mono & IL2CPP scripting backends.
Is it 100% accurate?
Simply put, that's impossible. It all comes down to the compass
accuracy as well at the camera rotation value your AR SDK/Toolkit produces. And phone's compasses do drift a bit all the time.
Expect a +/-15 degrees error in most cases. The good news is that this is not enough to ruin the experience but don't take my word for it, download the demo app and see for yourself.
If you need to ask anything/need help or have suggestions just email me or write on the support forum. Thank you.
• Forum
• Android ARCore demo
• Manual (PDF)
• Developer's LinkedIn
• Email: RealSunAR@gmail.com
Please remember to RATE & REVIEW
Thank you!
Developer: Antonis Savvidis
Check out my other plug-in Benchmark Scenarios