This asset includes 19 premade menus and a complete kit to make your own custom menu.
Package includes:
368 buttons
45 Unique Icons
2 different style of icon button
2 different style of text button
4 colours for each button
Normal, Selected, and Highlighted states for each button
60 Cute Icons
2 Menu Styles
Menu Borders
4 Menu Colours
Slider Bars
Regular Bars
Buttons with Premade Text
4 Colours for each piece
4 colours for each button
Normal, Selected, and Highlighted states for each button
Editable Text for titles and buttons (in Photoshop)
Note: All of the text effects are included in the Photoshop versions, but not in Unity. I can't add Text Mesh Pro to this pack, but you can download it for free and apply roughly the same effects that I had in the mock ups.
I've included PSDs and PNGS in a Large(500x500) and Small (100x100) size.
Be sure to check out the video to get a full preview of the included menus! https://youtu.be/tUR7p6beEVo