Top Down Shooter Controller
If you need a controller for your top-down shooter this is the asset for you. It is designed to work out of the box and very easy to set up and modify. Also, you can extend easily the code to use more behaviors. You can use it on pc or mobile platforms. Contain also dual-stick joystick and buttons solution for mobile platforms.
Behaviors included:
-Mobile support.
-Shoot on mouse direction.
-Dual stick shooter.
-Drop and get weapons.
-Allow infinity type of bullets for weapons.
-Keep bullet on weapons when dropped.
-Reload weapons.
-Change weapons.
-You can carry infinity weapons or set manual value.
-Jump and double jump.
-Slow fall.
-Dash, land, and air.
-Slide over surfaces.
-Jetpack with fuel consumption.
-Zone of decrease of movements like grass or water.
-Zone of increase of movement.
-Sprint items.
-Invert control items.
-Damage system and life indicators.
-Explosions bullets.
-Melee weapons.
-And more behaviors...
Includes a scene to test the mechanics with examples of items and weapons, on pc and mobile.
You can see and test the scene, include:
(PC demo)
If you have any issues then please don't hesitate to contact us:
Email: siresglz@gmail.com
Page: Nameless Studio