Benchmark Scenarios - Measure fps and screenshot every quality level
Antonis Savvidis
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Benchmark Scenarios is a scene performance/quality comparison tool. It will test all quality levels, measure FPS, and take screenshots for each quality level. It can also be used to compare settings.What does Benchmark Scenarios do?What this tool does, is that it will load your scene (or scenes) and will go through all (or selected) quality levels. Then it will measure how long it took to load the scene, it will measure the frames-per-seconds of the scene and it will output a text file with all technical info about fps count but also screenshots, so that you can compare the actual quality of your creation. Oh I haven’t told you the best part yet. It works on both Unity editor play and on actual desktop or mobile builds!Is it hard to use?Just create one single gameobject on an empty scene (you don't even need a camera) and drag 1 script you are done! You don't have to think about it. I've also included tooltips on everything.How do I get the results?The plug-in will create a new folder on your platform's "My Documents" and will output both a text file with all frames-per-seconds results in there but also it will take screenshots of each different quality level.Anything else it can do?You can use it to compare scenes. For example, you could duplicate a scene, change the lighting from baked into realtime, and benchmark those 2 different scenes to see how fast they perform and how gorgeous they look on your build platform.Please remember to RATE & REVIEWThank you!Developer: Antonis SavvidisCheck out my other plugin RealSunARTested platforms• Windows Unity player• Windows Build• Mac Unity player• Mac Build• Android phoneVerified compatibility with Unity versions (on editor and both IL2CP/Mono builds)• 2019.1.8• 2018.4.2• 2018.4.0• 2017.4.29• 2017.1.5 (used for asset submission)Is it open source?Yes! You can modify and play with it. Some comments are included in the code.Support• Forum• Manual• Developer LinkedIn• Email: BenchmarkScenarios@gmail.com