4K Procedural Terrain with Rocks and Mold - Substance Material (HDRP)
Alessio Regalbuto
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Create unlimited textures and materials of several terrain setups up to 4K resolution for your great HDRP Unity projects!
For the Standard Pipeline version of this asset go to:http://u3d.as/1zD2
- Alien1
- Alien2
- DesertRocks
- GoldMine
- Radioactive
- Simple1
- Simple2
- Snow
- Snow2
- SubmergedRocks
- Volcanic
- WetAndRocks
README - Unity Setup for the Substance Material
Updated on 1st July 2019.
1 - Make sure to download for FREE from the Asset Store the Substance importer plugin.
Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/utilities/substance-in-unity-110555
2 - Go to Edit --> Reimport All. This is necessary to allow the plugin to recognize the substance material purchased with this packet.
3 - Use the materials inside the "Materials" folder of the pipeline you are using (HDRP).
4 - You can create on the fly new materials and load any preset from folder "Material Presets". This can also help if the Experimental HDRP gives you an error of "_BumpMap texture not found", which can be resolved by loading the material preset into the material.
Remember that you can customize any of the presets of the substances, and change the resolution of the textures up to 4K. To do it, select the substance you are using, select the substance graph you are using (e.g. "Volcanic"), click on "Graph" in the Substance GUI, go to the bottom and change Target Width and Target Height.
Note that by default these values are low so that the loading of the material is faster. The higher the resolution, the longer the computation to generate the textures.
You can use the Substance Presets that I created for you, by importing them inside any of the Substance Graph you are using, clicking on "Import Preset...". You can find the presets inside folder "Substance Presets".
The "Utils" folder contains a script for the FirstPersonController used by default in Unity standard packages. This was included to make you move easily inside the scenes to better check the different shades of the terrain ruled by the substance.
The scenes for the StandardPipeline were designed to let you test the appearance of the terrain easily. After clicking on play, in game you can:
1 - Left click, to change the skybox at runtime and see the new reflections on the terrain chosen;
2 - Right click, to change the texture of the terrain depending on the list of materials that was set by the script.
Note that all materials are generated through the textures produced by the two substances in this package.
The presets of the Substance material in the Substance plugin appear to be quite buggy.
To work around it, the Materials inside the "Materials" folder were created to use the substance's textures and obtain the expected result.
This allows the user to still keep the customization of the material without risk of loosing them when making changes to the Substance Material file.
I recommend the user to use in the scene the materials inside the folder "Materials" and change their appearance by selecting the relative Substance Graph
(e.g. "Volcanic" for the "Volcanic_Preset" material) and changing their relative parameters (e.g. Rock size, Mold Variance, etc.).
Furthermore, it is possible to load inside each material of the substance a material preset from the "Material Presets" folder. This helps to solve the issue easily.
For more information on the Substance integration in Unity, check Substance official page:
More info on the author of this package:
I hope you enjoy this asset!
Remember that you can always convert the substance in this package into textures by using my plugin "Substance To Materials" converter. This will let you create endless combinations of terrains without computation at runtime in your game. For more information feel free to visit my other asset:
Link: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/#!/content/118459
If you have suggestions on my next new assets don't forget to let me know what you think!
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