Ever dreamed of developing live wallpapers for windows using Unity?
With this asset, you can do this with only one line of code.
The asset works both in the Editor and the build, so you can test your live wallpaper while you're still developing it.
It also contains a useful API, you can make your game fullscreen borderless without setting it as wallpaper for example, or get the default wallpaper image and many other things.
Performance is not affected, it will be the same as the standalone window.
And it comes with an optional launcher, so you can start the wallpaper even before Unity starts running your code, which is pretty useful.
Unfortunately, keyboard and mouse inputs won't work well, but the asset contains script with workarounds for this. Further explanation can be found in the documentation.
As you can see in the screenshots, it supports multiple screens
Source code included
Any suggestion, bug report or question feel free to contact me: