Easy Event Manager is a lightweight Event Manager system very easy to use. Source code is included and commented so to make clear what the manager does and how it works. All the system resides into a static class, globally accessible by all your C# Scripts. This means you can immediately start using the Event Manager and you don't have to create any extra GameObject in your project in order to make it working.
- Removed saveCallBack option from StartListening
This optional parameter of the StartListening() method has been removed because it didn't work as expected and it didn't offer a a particularly useful solution.
- Added callBackID option in StartListening.The previous saveCallBack optional parameter of the StartListening() method has been replace by callBackID string parameter. When defined, the callback function is associated to this unique ID. Successively, in the StopListening() method you can use this ID instead of the callback function name.
- Dispose() / DisposeAll() methods
The ClearData() method is became deprecated and replaced by Dispose() and DisposeAll() methods. Those methods clear the memory occupied by the events, without stopping the Event. Basically, it removes data associated with the events.
- Bug Fix
Various minor bugs have benn fixed.
• Start listening to and emit Events easily, with just one method call.
• Emit an Event immediately or after a certain number of seconds (delay)
• Emit an Event with a filter: allow the detection of this Event only to GameObjects with a specific name, tag and/or layer number. Use wildcards to filter names and tags starting, ending or containing a certain string.
• Send and receive any kind of data with the emission of an Event.
• Pause and restart an Event or the whole system.
The package contains an HTML manual and Demo projects.
In order to avoid name conflicts, the EventManager class resides inside the TigerForge namespace. However, EventManager class name is common: if you already use a class with this name, be careful about compatibility issues.
Easy Event Manager Manual