Green Greens Forest - Pixel Art Platformer Asset Pack
Phillip Giarrusso
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Cute n' Colorful 'Pixel Art Platformer' Asset Pack
Looking to build a colorful, cute platformer? These assets can get you started! Contains environment tiles, main character and enemy animations, HUD elements, collectibles, and more!
Pack Details:
• full 16x16px forest tilesheet (ground tiles, decorative tiles, etc)
• 4 layer parallax background
• 1 fully animated main character (200+ frames of animation, 14 animations) in both GIF format and PNG spritesheets
Animations Include: Idle, Run, Jump, Double-Jump, Climb, Wall Slide, Ground Slide, Attack, Pick-Up Object, Idle with Item Held, Run with Item Held, Jump with Item Held, Throw, Hurt, and Death
• 2 animated enemies:
Enemy Carrot: Idle, Move, Hurt, Death
Enemy Mushroom: Idle, Move, Hide/Guard, Hurt, Death
• HUD assets (lives left, life bar, coins collected. numbers sprite sheet)
• Other Extras Including:
Animated Spike Hazard tiles, animated Spring, Breakable Box Sprite (can also be picked-up/ carried), and collectibles (animated Coin, animated Health Pick-Up, animated Extra Life Pick-Up, two types of animated Hit Effects
Note: The included demo is for demonstration purposing only. It will not be updated in any capacity.
Follow @rephildesign on Twitter for Asset Pack Updates (https://twitter.com/rephildesign)
You are free to modify or change any of the assets to fit your creative needs. Credit is not necessary, but much appreciated.