A game asset kit that gives you all the tools to create your very own gladiator themed platformer or topdown-slasher
just the sprites: Pixelart-Gladiator-Pack
- 1.1 added .pyxel files so you can easily modify if needed
- 1.2 TopDown Expansion!
- 1.3 New Gladiators: Tridentfighters
» Player:
+ 17 animated playercharacters (4 unique)
+ swordfigher, archer, slave,tridentfighter
+ idle, run, walk, climb, jump, fall, cheer, attack, special animations
+ goreparts
+ sprite sheets
» unique NPCs:
+ 5 npcs (LudusTrainer, LudusDoctor, LudusAdmin, SlaveMerchant, LudusPriest) bring life to your ludus
+ complete with animations (idle / activated / special/...)
+ included surroundings
» easily modifiable Effects:
+ different pickup particle effects (bronze, silver gold, ...)
+ bloodsplatter effect
+ smoke for campfire or torches
» 16x16 tileset:
+ over 50 tiles to create the level you want
+ arranged in a tile palette
+ moving and static backgrounds
+ moving platforms
» dangerous traps:
+ range of variable traps
+ complete with scripts to trigger and time
» pickups:
+ food / healthpickups
+ coins / diamonds / key
» other:
+ HP -UI, boxes, vases, cage, torch, campfire,...
» 9 demoscenes
» topdown-expansion
+ Tileset with over 70 Tiles
+ usable with platformer sprites