Crosstrainer Outdoor wb-gameart $5.00 (no ratings) 3D Props Jump AssetStore このアセットの説明 HQ Crosstrainer Outdoor created in low-poly as one object with 2 LODs. Topology LOD0: 2770 Qudas, 5084 Tris Topology LOD1: 1282 Qudas, 2328 Tris Topology LOD2: 575 Qudas, 1037 Tris PBR Textures: 1x Diffuse Map (4096x4096) 1x Normal Map (4096x4096) 1x Metallic/Roughness Map (4096x4096) 1x Ambient Occlusion Map (4096x4096) Mesh: .fbx Format Textures: .png Format PLEASE RATE THE PRODUCT IF YOU LIKE IT. THANKS!!!