3D Motion Gesture and Signature Recognition (for Google Daydream)
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The best gesture recognition accuracy you can find in asset store. You can define any gesture you want to recognize by giving some gesture samples, very easy, with high accuracy.
In addition, it also provides an alternative solution for password (It's a big hassle to use keyboard to enter password in VR environment.) We utilize the characters of everyone has there own unique way perform air writing to achieve this feature. Just writing the password in the air, no hassle keyboard anymore, and others can't exactly copy your movement of writing.
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* Key Features
(1) Developer-define Gestures:
You can define the gestures you want to recognize, by giving gesture samples. More Detail Here
(2) Built-in Gestures:
An addition for (1), 3 built-in gestures, “heart” gesture, “C” gesture and “^” gesture are ready-to-use in AirSig SDK. VR developers can make players draw a symbol to perform skills. For example, drawing a “heart” to recover health point, a “C” to fast change weapons, or a “^” to make a "lightning" attack.
(3) User-defined Gestures:
To make it even more fun for players, AirSig SDK allows players to easily create whatever gestures they want in the VR applications.
(4) Signature Authentication:
AirSig SDK can make players fast authenticate themselves via signing their own signatures in the air with a VR controller. A player creates his signature at first. Then he can just sign his signature in the air to authenticate in 1 second whenever he needs to login or pay in VR, instead of typing passwords.
* Demo Video and Demo Build
Please visit http://dev.airsig.com/
* Notice:
▲ If developers need more gestures or customized functions, please contact us.
▲ Get promotional code by giving us feedback of using AirSig SDK.
* Compatible With:
Google Daydream + Daydream controller
* FAQ: http://www.airsig.com/vr/
* Contacts:
▲ Contact us: contact@airsig.com
▲ Technical support: service@airsig.com
▲ WeChat: airsig100