To those who are experiencing VR with this
"What do you see right now?" "Can I adjust VRHMD once it's adjusted?"
It will be better without saying.
From standalone VR from an external terminal such as a smartphone
▶ Scene operation
▶ Method invocation
It will be easily possible.
As for the installation method, you only need to set scene setting and remote access setting of asset after import.
After installation, you can control inside the LAN by using the controller application.
Controller application is being distributed from AppStore or Google Play. See Readme.txt in the asset package for details
The controller side projects distributed from the above link are not included.
This asset includes something like the following.
"UniRx" provided with "MIT license"
"Websocket-sharp" provided with "MIT license"
For details, refer to Third-Party Notices.txt in Package.