This product provides and easy to use and install Add-on for uMMORPG - The Ultimate MMORPG System.
Which means, that it requires uMMORPG in order to work. Thank you for understanding.
What do you get?
This enables registration for uMMORPG with a verification process. The registration requires an account name, email address, 2 password fields that must match. It also timestamps the user's registration date and lets you know the last time they logged in. It requires minimal Core modifications and the pdf contains some images to show you what to modify.
During the registration process the user will be sent and email with a link to click to verify their email address before they can login. The verification process requires PHP/MySQL to be installed with PDO but includes instructions on how to do this.
This add-on will also be improved upon, any suggestions are welcome.
Installation notes can be found in the "CFSRegister Installation.pdf" file located in the asset. By default: '/Assets/uMMORPG/Addons/CFSRegister'.