S4U helps to add JohnnyCrazy's SpotifyAPI.NET library into Unity, enabling access to the Spotify Web API, allowing for control of Spotify and accessing the world of musicS4U helps to add JohnnyCrazy's SpotifyAPI.NET library into Unity, enabling access to the Spotify Web API, allowing for control of Spotify and accessing the world of music.The package comes with a central SpotifyService which is designed to act as a medium between Unity and Spotify. The package also comes with an example Spotify App built from the ground up using Unity UI and the S4U service. For more information, check out the Wiki for more info.This package is released for free and developed open source on GitHub. If you have any issues or feature requests, please open an issue 😊IMPORTANT NOTES:1. Users require Spotify Premium to be able to set and control their playback. If the user is not premium, you can still access their data like playlists, songs, profile info, etc.2. Windows, Mac and Linux are the only platforms supported.Requirements:• Unity 2021.10• C# 8.0- Integrate Spotify Web API into Unity!- Uses SpotifyAPI-NET library byu JohnnyCrazy- S4U automatically manages connection & authorization for you- Simple events & callbacks for listening to important Spotify events- Helper classes to integrate easily