It is an asset that allows Unity to open external window.
Currently Windows only. It does not work on other than Windows. We plan to support MacOS in the future.
When you want to change various parameters at Unity, you can operate parameters from an external window rather than operating Toggle or Slider on the main screen.
The installation procedure is as follows.
1. Import ExternalControlPanel.unitypackage into Unity project.
2. Place prefab on Scene.
3. Uncompress client side application zip.
4. Enter the absolute path of the client side app.
5. Create the UI that you want to display in the external window in the usual way.
6. Execute Public Method to Open External Window.
This asset includes something like the following.
"MiniJSON" provided with "Copyright holder original license"
"JsonNode" provided in "Copyright holder original license"
"UniRx" provided with "MIT license"
"Websocket-sharp" provided with "MIT license"
For details, refer to Third-Party Notices.txt in Package.