Super Hirmundo - Chiptune 1 Farlake Studios $10.00 (no ratings) オーディオ 音楽 Jump AssetStore このアセットの説明 Chiptune 1 pack contains a song with 9 seamless loops. All the loops can be played in random order. Listen the preview here: Intro 0:13 Loop 1 0:11 Loop 2 0:11 Loop 3 0:11 Loop 4 0:11 Loop 5 0:11 Loop 6 0:11 Loop 7 0:11 Outro 0:07 Suitable for multiple video game genres: shooter, platform, action, rpg etc. In particular for fast-paced action All tracks are perfectly seamless mp3 files at 48 KHz, 16 Bit and Stereo.