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MobileMediaPicker is complete template for using media of iOS, Android phone.
These plugins are useful for developers who are to develop mobile applications or games in Unity.
This package so much simple solutions about treating media access of mobile device.
It can be used as following features.
- Select and load single image from iOS Camera roll, Android Pictures.
- Select and load multiple image from iOS Camera roll, Android Pictures.
- Display full screen image as aspect ratio.
- Select and load single video from iOS Camera roll, Android Pictures.
- Select and load multiple video from iOS Camera roll, Android Pictures.
- Select and load multiple image and video at one time from iOS Camera roll, Android Pictures.
- Display video thumbnail with current and total time.
- Display full screen video play.
- Take, save and load picture from iOS, Android Camera.
- Take and save video from iOS, Android Camera.
- No media data load, transfer string file path only(Except Video Thumbnail)
Included Files:
* Example Scene
* Android, iOS Plugin
* Image, Video Prefab
* Media Control Scripts
* Mobile Media Controller(iOS, Android)
Supported Platform:
* Android: Unity 5.6.3 or later
* Android 4.1(API 16) or later
* iOS: Unity 2017.2 or later
* iOS 9 or later
- Android Demo APK
[Version 2.4]
- iOS13 has removed "PHImageFileURLKey" key in PHAsset.
[Version 2.3]
- iOS/Android: Add Video Orientation information.
.(GetThumnailInfo_CallBack method)
- Android: Change Build System to Gradle.
GradleVersion.current() method can be used at following Unity version.
* 5.6.3p2
* 2017.3.1f1
* 2018.2.0f2
* 2018.3.0f2
* 2019.1.0f2
[Version 2.2]
- iOS: Select and load video file generated by iMovie.
[Version 2.1]
- Android: Change Activitiy Title
- iOS: Support Slow Motion Video Selection
[Version 2.0]
- Modify Android "Take Picture"(Full size image)
- iOS Cloud Build(Enable Bitcode)
[Version 1.9]
- Modify Android Scripts.
- Support iOS interface(iCloud, HEIC format).
[Version 1.8]
- Modify Android Permissions.
- Modify iOS interface.
[Version 1.7]
- Add multiple image and video at one time.
[Version 1.6]
- Android AAR file.
- Android Build System: Internal
[Version 1.5]
- Modify iOS Image Picker.
- Add maximum selection number(iOS).
[Version 1.4]
- Memory Optimizaion.
- Enhanced Video Thumbnail.
- Support GIF(No animation).
[Version 1.3]
- Modify Android library(FileProvider).
- Android API 24 Tested
[Version 1.2]
- Modify iOS Single Image Picker.
- Modify Texture2D Resizing.
[Version 1.1]
- Change Texture Max Size to limit 1024.
[Version 1.0]
- Initial Release
If there are any questions or suggestions, please send me email(sfrom40@gmail.com)
▼ Humble Bundle
Software Bundles
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