A universal strobe light controller that solves all strobe and light timing needs.
The strobe light is fully configurable and works with any type of light. The product is fully self contained, and allows for a variety of light strobe types, responses and authoring.
* Discretely author a simple sequence of light on/off events by specifying duration, enabled state, color and volume.
* Alternatively, use a graph to precisely control the sequence of strobe light events to allow for continuous strobing.
* Optional audio sample may be played during discrete or continuous strobing.
The API is fully exposed to allow third party scripts to drive the product if needed.
* The strobe light does not yet respond to music-spectrum input, but will be part of a planned release upgrade at a later time.
* Simple package extraction into an isolated sub folder to avoid disturbing your project files.
* English and Greek available for the Editor interface.
Further Information and Demonstration available at