This asset is a fully functional inventory system, but the main focus was on easy integration from developers side and high level of control over editing and maintaining this system without writing code or even assigning objects to scripts.
This asset provides:
1) Save/load manager. This system is developed with the idea that a user might want many, many items in a project, that is why the saving and loading functionality works with a database which is based on hash tables for very consistent and fast access to any item.
2) Of course all the basic functionality a normal inventory system would have item picking up, looting, stacking, moving around in inventory, splitting stack, merging stacks, dropping... all the good stuff
3) Item creation. The item creation is based on scriptable objects for easy maintenance, creation and editing. Just press a button inside the editor and edit away.
4) automatic object find and assign functionality. This fuels partly the aspect that the integration of this asset is no more than dragging a few objects into the scene the rest is taken care of.
5) A main control panel on which you can easily press a button to enable or disable a certain functionality of the module
6) If by any chance you happened to delete something or change some important part of the module, no worries the built in system will warn you about what you did, what failed and where to find the cuase of failure
7) and more... For more information, check the Read Me file attached